Published Works
Want to check out some of Hosai’s published articles, interviews, and posts? Here’s a list for you to peruse. Enjoy!
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Gratitude & Appreciation
Want to know who some of Hosai’s favorite friends, mentors, heroes and “sheroes” are and learn about the awesome things they’re doing?
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Upcoming Classes & Events
Want to know where Hosai will be teaching/speaking next? She’d love to meet you!
Learn MoreA Personal Message from Hosai…
“Anything that we see in creation is due to reflected light, and all light comes from God.”-Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
One of the first teachings I remember learning from Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (may Allah preserve him) was the beautiful hadith: “He who has not thanked the people, has not thanked Allah.” (Abu Dawud)
With that said, I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for the incredible and profound blessing of learning from this man and knowing him personally. I met him at a very difficult time in my life and he was able to help me come out of the darkness and despair I was drowning in and find the light and love of God and His Messenger ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him.
I mean it sincerely when I say that whatever good I have done in the service of my beloved community is because of the impact of his teachings, and whatever mistakes I have made are because of my own failings and shortcomings.
My intention with this site isn’t just to promote myself or my work, but it’s to share my beloved teacher’s insights and wisdom and to spread the light of our beautiful faith to as many people as possible, one heart at a time.

Thanks for Stopping By!
Thank you so much for visiting! We’d love to hear from you. The best way to stay connected with Hosai is through her Facebook page. Feel free to send her a friend request, follow her page, or shoot her a quick message! Please do keep in mind, however, that if you’re not connected then your message may go to her “other” folder and she may not see it!
Stay connected!